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Wilderness- and boatcouriers

Wilderness- and boatcouriers are a group of professional nature entrepreneurs.  Boatcouriers are in charge of waterroute excursions and expeditions. They also manage necessary boats, canoes and equipments for different trips. Wilderness couriers will taylor you what ever needed in finnish forest hiking and wandering. 


Thru these pages you will get everything you ever need when it becomes to wilderness, hiking, trippiing, places, accommondation, food, you just name it ! 

You wanna visit real Finland, deep forests, wide lakes and thousands of island in lakeland area ? Call us, and you will see places beyond you dreams.

Boatcouriers will take you to lakes, rivers and seas. Choices are numerous. Even nearby lakelands has much new and unexpected places and targets. Catch fresh fish for dinner and supper or perhaps for breakfast as well.

Enjoy freedom, clean water and nature, go where ever you want !

Wilrderness couriers are not tied to a certain place nor to time. Everyday is a good day to be in nature !


Do you have a idea  which you would like to fulfill ? Contact directly us and tell us what you want, Everything is possible ! You know, the biggest dreams start always and everytime thru a first step. We will help you to take that step. 

Far and beyond
Expeditions to rivers and lakes

© 2017 yhteistyössä Aito Oikea Asema, Metsäkoulu, Vene-ala

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Pohjois-Savo, Pohjois-karjala ja Kainuu

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Seuraa Eräkuuriireja

TEL:046 520 6152  


© 2017 yhteistyössä Aito Oikea Asema, Metsäkoulu, Vene-ala

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